Cross Sections - Reference Lines | Menu Last Page Next Page |
Draw Reference Lines (Sections 2 - 7) - Use a ruler and permanent marker to draw lines from the gunwales to the keel. Next draw lines from the chines to the deckridge. These lines will be used to establish the position of the stringer holes.
The Sea Ranger's (black) reference lines are drawn on the HDPE to center the drilled "snap-on" holes in the Shallow "V" at the offset locations. As such, the Sea Ranger's reference points may vary from those of other designs in the same way that Section 1 and 8 of the Sea Ranger differ from Sections 2 through 7. You will need to determine what "looks" best for a particular design.
Draw Reference Lines (Sections 1) - Due to the cross section shape of section 1, the reference lines are drawn from the gunwales to the chines.
Draw Reference Lines (Sections 8) - Due to the shape of cross section 8, the reference lines are drawn from the gunwales to the chines and the chines to the deckridge.